Sarah Hughes, Author at Primis The leading video discovery platform Thu, 01 Dec 2022 07:31:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sarah Hughes, Author at Primis 32 32 How to Create a Personalized Content Experience With Video Thu, 13 Feb 2020 14:03:10 +0000 The popularity of video content is widely known, as well as its potential for boosting SEO. But as that awareness grows, so too does the proliferation of video content. There’s simply a lot of video out there—on YouTube, on Facebook, on social media channels, on websites, in ads, etc. Content marketers are understandably concerned about […]

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The popularity of video content is widely known, as well as its potential for boosting SEO. But as that awareness grows, so too does the proliferation of video content. There’s simply a lot of video out there—on YouTube, on Facebook, on social media channels, on websites, in ads, etc. Content marketers are understandably concerned about creating video content that stands out, gets noticed, captures and maintains engagement, and generates results.

Personalization is a growing trend that marketers are capitalizing on. The more specifically, and narrowly, marketers can define their audiences, the better they’re able to create and deliver content specific to their audience’s needs and interests. Generic content designed to appeal to the masses usually appeals to no one. Personalized content, designed to suit the needs, preferences and interests of well-defined target audiences is what savvy content marketers are striving for.   

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When it comes to personalization, there are many options available to content marketers, depending on their audiences and objectives. Here we take a look at a few approaches that Wibbitz clients have taken to connect on a personal level with their target audiences.

Personalized Based on Delivery Format

With so many options for video viewing these days, content marketers hoping to connect effectively need to consider the viewing experience for various platforms and adapt their video accordingly. That’s what Dr. Oz did with videos answering the question of “Do you have a sweet or salty tooth?” and then telling us why that may be the case. These videos were designed to display optimally for landscape, square and vertical screens. 

Personalized to Different Personal Preferences

Does your audience like classical music or hip-hop? Hotdogs or caviar? Science fiction or rom-com? Patriots or Broncos? Whatever the answer is it matters—a lot. Personalizing video content to appeal to various user preferences for music, food, movies, sports teams, or a wide range of other possibilities, is a great way to immediately engage them and keep them engaged with your content

That’s the approach that USA TODAY Sports team takes for creating engaging website content. They create personalized content for each of their sites that appeal to different sports team fans. 



Personalized to a Single, Specific Target

There’s nothing more personal than watching a video that speaks directly to you. That’s the approach that FleishmanHillard took with their client BlueCurrent Group to help them pitch their services to LDC. More engaging than a typical pitch, the video delivers on the promise of: “Let us spell out why we think BlueCurrent is the best agency for LDC.” Potential clients don’t want to feel like they’re just one of the masses of organizations receiving a pitch. They want to feel special. With personalized videos they do.



Follow the Numbers

Personalization is the answer to content creators trying to stand out from the masses and video is the way to go according to statistics from a wide range of sources. Single Grain, for instance, tells us that:

  • Websites with videos attract 2-3 times as many visitors
  • Landing pages with videos are 53% more likely to rank on the first SERP
  • We’re approaching the point where 80% of all Internet traffic will be video traffic

But that traffic, as the examples above illustrate, will be better traffic if it’s personalized. In fact, according to one study, 79% of companies that exceed their revenue goals have a documented strategy for personalized marketing. This likely comes as no surprise to content marketers who already recognize the power of personalization.

A study by Evergage and Researchscape International of 314 marketing professionals in a variety of industries and locations, illustrates this in a resounding way: 98% of those responding agreed that personalization helps advance customer relations—70% said it has a “strong” or “extremely strong” impact.”

The challenge? How to do it well—and how to do it within budget with confidence that you’ll achieve a solid ROI for your video marketing efforts. Request a demo of Wibbitz to give your team the power to quickly and easily create personalized video at scale.

The post How to Create a Personalized Content Experience With Video appeared first on Primis.
