Primis TAG Certified in Fight Against Fraud

Primis TAG Certified in Fight Against Fraud
Primis is proud to announce that we have achieved the TAG Certified Against Fraud Seal. This accreditation, being TAG certified, is another element in what we are continuously striving for providing our partners with unique video solutions in a clean and safe advertising supply chain.

The Importance of Being TAG Certified

This accreditation strengthens our multi-layered approach to brand safety. The first layer is the direct integration of our product on our publisher partners’websites, as there is no
technological substitute to a personal and trusting relationship with our partners. Secondly, we apply rigorous brand safety vetting through MRC accredited Doubleverify, insuring the authenticity and quality of every impression. The third layer is our commitment to integrating ads.txt in 100% of our publishers, increasing transparency in the supply chain and giving publishers more control over their inventory. Finally, the TAG seal provides another layer insuring quality and transparency,underlining the importance of a clean and safe digital environment.

Download the complete guide to video monetization

About TAG

The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) is a worldwide certification program battling criminal movement and promoting trust in the digital advertising industry. Primis’s adherence to TAG’s strict standards shows our support for the program, as well as our commitment to promote a safer and cleaner advertising landscape. Read more